Is there a demo available?
I use this bridge on
What is the best directory structure?
WordPress and XenForo must be on the same server. Please have XenForo installed in /community or /forums and WordPress in the root. You might be able to use a different directory structure but it might take a few tweaks.
Can XenForo be on a subdomain and WordPress on domain?
Yes but it is not perfect yet. You might end up with redirect problems during login, requiring a theme edit. You may also need a change in your XenForo configuration file to set cookies.
See this post for information.
I own bridge XYZ, should I buy this one?
No. If your bridge works then do not change. If you insist then please contact me and I
may decide to give you the bridge at no charge on the condition you help me improve the script.
Why is this beta software?
Actually, this is my designation. The bridge works as designed on my site but may need tweaking to get it to work on your site's installation. I'll change the designation to beta as I feel more comfortable.
Any future releases will be available for you to download. The price will increase for an unbranded version.
Does this work with WordPress multisite?
Yes. There is a configuration file you must edit.
Can I get WordPress users to login?
This bridge uses XenForo for login credentials. The WordPress login is redirected to the XF installation. However, I use the WordPress mobile application and can post drafts using my WordPress user.
Does this bridge work with my theme?
There are so many themes that modify the default comments of WordPress that you may run into trouble if you are not comfortable with PHP.
Does this work with caching plugins?
Most likely not. My server is NGINX and does not use a WordPress caching plugin. I imagine that the login/logout would be a problem.
Is this bridge under development?
Yes. I work on this bridge throughout the week.
Is there a branding free release available?
Actually, the current release does not have a branding line. It will be added eventually - and removable for a $50 fee.
Where do I get support?
You are free to ask in the support thread here or on
I found a bug, what do I do?
Let me know! Post in this thread or visit
the support forums.
Will you modify this script for me?
New features are based on the need of the community. I'm willing to help support your endeavor as you hire a PHP programmer by incorporating the work into the current release. This is your choice.
May I hire you?
No. I am not a programmer. If you would like to donate then please consider a
small donation at
I want a refund, what do I do?
Please contact me. I completely understand if you become frustrated. Do your best.