Navigation on our network has always been a healthy dose of agony. Let’ face it – even figuring out how to register for participation has been a challenge. Worse, spammers slammed the site and so much of the lockdown became a lockout for some visitors.
With the release of WordPress 3.9 and a new version of XenWord baking in the kitchen, the time seemed appropriate to try to fix the site navigation. The first step is the login has been simplified with a new widget. Other new widgets are aligned to share content better across the network, e.g. our community built with XenForo, question/answer format areas, documentation for the XenWord plugin, and our article comments.
The newly installed theme is responsive and was tested on another server for the last few weeks. There are touchups needed across the network because two excellent plugins still do not work with WP 3.9. For now the site will be built without them.
Please share your thoughts regarding the new design. What do you like? What do you not like? What is painful and what is now easier?
And again – and as always – thank you for visiting our little oasis.
The comment area with the new theme definitely needs cleaning up. The registration link was failing in one of the new widgets (styleId issue). Navigation menus need repair on each site.