I shouldn’t have clicked on this link I just saw on Google News: “Vista SP1’s delay is Desktop Linux’s good news.” It’s an all-out rant against Vista and any forthcoming service pack. The article’s goal though has nothing to do with Vista, but rather is to encourage you to check out Linux.
What gets me about pieces like this is that they seem to be so much in style. Maybe it’s the blogosphere that’s encouraged all this percussive persuasion or the cable news networks with their endless panel debates about anything and everything.
It all makes me want to curl up and go back to work. Seriously. I need a distraction from this.
And that’s my point of this post: Try out Vista or Linux or OS X and the various apps you’d like to use and which ever suite you find most useful, use it, be happy and share what you’ve learned. I look forward to learning from you and I’ll do my best to share what I’ve learned too.
In the meantime, I’m thinking about taking the weekend off and working. I’d rather not read more stuff like this.