Lora got the Tablet PC Get Together emails out last night with the time and place included. As Murphy’s Law would have it, just as she was sending them out, her email client went bonkers. Hopefully, everyone got theirs. If you didn’t, let me know. Also, I believe there’s still room, so email me if you’d like to join in. This is going to be lots of fun meeting everyone.
I think I’m correct in that outside of the original Tablet PC launch events, this is the first time the Tablet PC community has gotten a chance to meet together like this. Bring your suggestions for OEMs, enthusiasm for new products from ISVs, curiosity for Microsoft’s future directions, and most of all your Tablet PC! I can’t wait.
Unfortunately, schedules are often tough to synchronize and this get together is no different. Several people aren’t going to be able to make it. Plus, the time overlaps partially with MobileFocus, so others may only be able to make it for a few minutes. On the other hand, I’ve heard of at least two people that are changing their travel plans in order to make it.
Thanks Evan, Chris and everyone else at Microsoft for securing a location and sponsoring the evening.
And a big “Thank You” goes to Lora. She’s put quite a bit of time into getting people together for this. On the plus side, she’s getting a kick out of talking and emailing with everyone. Everyone’s been enthusiastic about the get together.
In fact, I think one of the “after-Comdex” things we should think about is keeping the conversation going particularly between the various ISVs, OEMs and Microsoft.
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
I hope y’all will post a summary of some kind so that those of us who aren’t attending can still get all the crunchy-sweet Tablet news from this year’s show.