Hiroshi Ishii, in the MIT Tangible Media Group at the Media Lab, brings computer interfaces into more real and tangible form, seamlessly integrated with our daily lives. He and his students interact with computers by moving physical objects.
John Underkoffer, then one of Ishii’s student, prepared Tom Cruise and the movie’s special effects team to use hand motions to appear to control walls of computer screens in the 2002 movie Minority Report.
Just by moving one’s hands, an image can be changed from one wall to another, or onto the tabletop.
That science fiction function now exists as g-speak, a commercially available spacial operating environment platform.
Can’t you just see images retrofitted into schools in order to inspire young minds to grow beyond our teachers’ imaginations? NESI – CS should have these, don’t you think?
Information provided by MIT News Office April 6, 2009
Click on the image for a demo of g-speak at Oblong Industries