I stumbled across a Google link to the Heiny 500 DVD distributed by Karl Hein. He shows a magic trick for turning five dollar bills into five $100 bills and back. Great trick! The editing does not show the switch he makes from $1 to 5$ bills, but it’s there. Clever, Karl!
I wonder how many Tablet PC users and developers are magicians? In a way, it looks like magicians and Tablet developers share the ability to switch things while we watch and yet we don’t see the switch. So, I expect that some of these developers share a fascination with magic tricks. I know one. How many do you know?
Hmm, and how many magicians also use or develop Tablet PC software? And do Tablets allow users to perform magic?
Oh my, and to think I never got past juggling 3 tennis balls in the air at once nor using some of the standard Tablet features. Looks like I have much to learn to catch up. I think I’ll try to figure out how Karl made his switches.