An overwheming wealth of visions of future education and learning exists. Here’s a sample for vision builders to consider. I selected this sample in part because many people know about these sources.
The July/August, 2005, issue of Educause offers several designs of future learning spaces. EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.
The Tomorrow Project offers 16 scenarios for learning from the future. Yes, from.
The renowned instructional theorist Robert Gagne of the AAA Labs at Stanford University observes that different forms of instruction are suited to different learning outcomes. I find the title of one of the labs publications, Inventing to Prepare for Future Learning, intriguing.
The Delphi Observatory offers contributions and information produced in the Workshop “Breaking barriers in education and training. How can we make e-Learning in education and training transferable, scalable and sustainable?”, held on June 7, 2004
Six international experts, five leading academics from the University of Sydney and 130 members of the University community met to share their knowledge, listen and collaborate in the development of a distinctive University of Sydney approach to learning and teaching. Insights from the symposium, held December, 2005, provide the basis for future planning and development.
Here’s a list of White Papers about the future of telecommunications in learning. This list is almost 10 years old. Vision builders may find it useful at least to review the titles. In one sense, future seers haven’t changed much in a decade, and some could argue that learning hasn’t changed much either.
Future Schools, Future Learning Conference: Designing 21st Century High Schools and Curricula, Manchester, England, October 12, 2004 offers papers by Bob Pearlman of the Strategic Planning for the New Technology Foundation, and Kathi Mullin, Special Assistant to the Superintendent for High School Renewal, Boston Public Schools.
New Horizons for Learning offers an annotated list of people active in proposing or creating different from traditional learning spaces and principles for the new story of learning by Stephanie Pace Marshall. Her description of “two stories” of learning joins the debate between those asserting that schooling should give priority to acquisition, independence, and competition, and those who argue for priority to inquiry, interdependence, and cooperation.
Hokuriku University offers a School of Future Learning for internationally minded students.