A Strategic Data Project Human Capital Diagnostic of LAUSD suggests teachers with advanced degrees [in elementary schools] do not have effects, on average, as their peers. This conclusion is based on math scores and not ELA scores.
According to the publication (no authors), “This report illuminates patterns of teacher effects in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and compares these patterns across a combination of teacher, school, and student characteristics.”
The report also found that new teachers were disproportionately placed with struggling students.
Teresa Watanabe critiques the anonymous report, pointing out that paid work is not the same as scholarly research. The report is not peer reviewed.
I have not read the report. Why would anyone consider that an academic degree will by itself change student academic progress? Seems like the source of the degree would be worth examining before concluding that doctorate makes no difference. For example, some (too many) schools have teachers teaching teachers for doctoral study credit. That means more of the same happening in classrooms, yes? Thus. more of the same academic performance scores of students. Yes?