I’m back again. Thanks for checking. Since May, my HP Tablet PC and I have logged over 16,000 miles in our Highlander Hybred.
It’s been informative to watch reactions to and listen to comments the Tablet draws out of people. The most common question has been, “What’s that?” as I carry it into motel lobbies, doctor’s offices waiting rooms, and sometimes into a restaurant to use while waiting for something or other.
The what’s-that question more frequently than not used to draw the question in some form of “What does it do?” Now, people say, “Oh, yes” as though they know about Tablet PCs.
In both cases, they ask for a quick demo, tell me a story about someone they know who worked with new computers (ranging from the 1960s forward), and then say what features they want a computer to offer in order to make their job easier. I’ll work their stories into future comments.
Glad to be back. These are exciting times for mobile PCs in education.