Classic Education at EduClassics.com gives priority to vocabulary that describes learning from a learners’ view. This view is useful for those trying to increase learning promptly and dramatically, with and without Tablet and other mobile PCs in the 21st century. This page defines Mythical Secular Perfect Teacher (MSPT).
Mythical Secular Perfect Teacher (MSPT): a. The antithesis of a learners’ View (ALV) of teaching and learning. b. The referent individuals use, but do not describe, against which they compare a teacher who applies in lessons experimental empirical behavioral science research descriptions of steps people use to learn. c. Prepersonification of uncatelogued ideal types of teachers. d. An imagined teacher used by individuals for an uncatelogued variety of reasons based on their personal constellation of beliefs, preferences, theories, philosophies, experience, etc. of what teachers should do.
Synonyms: BEST PRACTICES refers to a program that has the most of some attribute of value to the designator, vs. describing how activities of that program contribute measurably to increasing rates of learning. BEST TEACHER refers to someone who has the most of some attribute of value to the designator, vs. describing how that teacher added to the academic performance of learners. EDUCATION POLICY refers to political decisions based on ideal types of education that perscribe use of selected resources to direct learning in schools and other organizations vs. directly providing support of increasing rates of learning. EDUCATOR indicates membership in an occupation that gives priority to schooling vs. describing how much that person adds to each learner’s rate of learning. GOOD TEACHER gives priority to assigning high value to a teacher’s performance that matches a real or ideal standard, vs. describing what that teacher does to increase learning. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER gives priority to certified preparation for employment as a teacher, vs. describing the likelihood of that person increasing rates of learning of all learners.
Antonyms: [[a Learners’ View |A LEARNERS’ VIEW (ALV) refers to a sequence of choices learners make as described by experimental empirical behavioral scientists during more than 100 years, vs. ideal types of learning. APPLIED BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST (TEACHER) refers to those who use experimental empirical behavioral science descriptions to compose, instruct, and assess lessons to identify ways to increase learning more, faster, and more efficiently.