EduClassics.com describes behavior patterns people use to learn and uses of these descriptions to increase contributions of Classic Education in the 21st Century. This page uses a learners’ view (ALV) to define Lost Opportunity to Learn. Observers may use these definitions to monitor and instructors to manage learning in real time.
Lost Opportunity to Learn (LOL): a. The difference between what a person learns in a given amount of time and what is possible to learn through fewer trials-and-errors in that same amount of time, i.e., the difference in the number of facts learned through discovery and from direct instruction in a high school chemistry class period. b. A calculated difference of actual subtracted from possible learning, based on empirical demonstrations of what is possible and on the assumption that learning during clock time is an expended, nonrenewable resource of each learner.
Synonyms: COMPENSATORY LEARNING gives priority to content that a learner has not demonstrated adequate preformance rather than to using content analyzed to show learners what to do first, second, etc. to meet or exceed current age level academic performance standards. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES gives priority to the background of a learner over the instruction of a learner to meet or exceed required minimum academic performance standards in schools. SPECIAL EDUCATION gives priority to the physical, behavioral, and intellectual attributes of learners over the instruction of learners to meet or exceed required minimum academic performance standards.
Antonym: EFFICIENT LEARNING refers to meeting or exceed the amount of learning perviously demonstrated possible to learn in a given clock time or number of trials-and-errors.