EduClassics.com describes behavior patterns people use to learn and uses of these descriptions to increase contributions of Classic Education in the 21st Century. This page defines instruction from a learners’ view.
INSTRUCTION: a. Act, practice, or discipline of one, whether human or computer, that instructs. b. The behavior patterns used to reduce trials-and-errors of learners attempting to solve a problem as well as to increase the rate of learning of learners. d. To give direction. e. That which is instructed. Synonyms: INSTRUCT emphasizes the planned, systematic use of selected behavior patterns to prepare a learner to solve a problem. TEACHING suggests using identifiable behavior patterns for the role of a person who prepares a learner to solve problems as well as for other results. TRAINING features repeated practice of behavioral patterns to exhibit in certain situations. INDOCTRINATION used sometimes in a derogatory way to indicate forcing an implied false opinion or way of acting on another person. |