Development of Predict Learning (TM) (PL) has continued this week from a learners’ view of learning. This view led to development of a triple-helix of learning efficiency. It represents the moment when content and instruction fit what learners do to complete a lesson.
This triple-helix permits refinement of an Efficiency of Instruction Quotient (EIQ). That refinement led to a Scale of Lost Opportunities to Learn (SOLOL). Together, they permit measuring, and reporting related costs to learners and schools.
It has been a fruitful week. I expect to post details of one development at a time as I complete more preliminary testing.
How do you think educators will respond to these tools? Will they accept and use them in their classrooms and administrative offices?
Predict Learning (TM) is a family of tools to plan, analyze, and refine instruction and lessons, so they may increase learning dramatically and promptly with and without Tablet PCs and other electronic communication equipment. introduces vocabulary and logic behaviorial scientists use to demonstrate these increases in learning.