WE BELIEVE TECHNOLOGY is at the core of education reform, so we are giving you money and flexibility, but it is up to you to make it happen and then tell us what works.
That was the clear message I took from recent forays to Washington, DC, where I intended to find out what the Obama administration has in mind for advancing the use of technology in public education.
“The question is,” (Jim) Shelton, the assistant secretary for innovation and improvement asked, “what do we do to actually excel, not just meet basic standards?
Arne Duncan (U.S. Secretary of Education) says the stimulus money (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009) earmarked for education technology provides local school districts with the resources for reform. It’s on them to carry it through.
Duncan and Aneesh Chopra, White House chief technology officer Chopra believe that technology can play its most important role in education by tracking student progress to help teachers realize when instruction is working and when it is not.”
I think they get it! Kudos, Fed Ed and WH.
Fletcher, G H. A Test of School Leadership. Posted by THE Journal, August 01, 2009. (Captured October 15, 2009.)