This following is an aggregation of top-end tax rates in America by decade and per-capita GDP growth in America per decade.
Average yearly, top-end tax rates in America, by decade:
1950s: 90.54%
1960s: 80.33%
1970s: 70.18%
1980s: 48.45%
1990s: 36.72%
2000s: 36.23%
2010s: 35.00%
Annualized, real, per-capita GDP growth in America, by decade:
1950s: 2.76%
1960s: 3.01%
1970s: 1.68%
1980s: 1.56%
1990s: 1.57%
2000s: 0.35%
2010s: 0.60%
Source: IRS, Bureau of Economic Analysis (
There are no causal relationships determined from these data. However, it is always good to see a historical perspective of tax rates and per-capita GDP. For example, the increase in per-capita GDP between the Bush and Obama presidency is noticeable. A comparison between 2000-20008 and 2009 – 2010 would be helpful.