Step 1: Open the frontend.php file found in the directory /wp-content/plugins/gplus-comments/includes/lib
Step 2: Replace the function comments_evolved_get_wordpress_count [lines 29 - 32]
This allows the comment count to include comments made in XenForo and in WordPress.
Step 2: Replace the function comments_evolved_get_wordpress_count [lines 29 - 32]
function comments_evolved_get_wordpress_count() {
// global $post, $comments, $wp_query, $comments_by_type;
// return count($wp_query->comments_by_type['comment']);
global $XF;
if( $XF->useXenForoCommentHandler() ) {
return $XF->getCommentNumbersFromCache($post_id);
else {
return $n;
This allows the comment count to include comments made in XenForo and in WordPress.