- Compatible XenWord Versions
- 2.4
- Compatible WP Versions
- 4.2
- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.4
It's possible to change the class-xenword-thread-link.php so that the comment count is included in the link to the discussion thread.
This is the overall look.
Open class-xenword-thread-link.
Look for the $xenword_thread_link
Replace with the following
Now the link contains the comment count as well as the text comments rather than discussion text.
You'll next want to make adjustments in the WordPress theme so that comments are not shown. Make these changes in a child theme and not the original.
This is the overall look.
Open class-xenword-thread-link.
Look for the $xenword_thread_link
Replace with the following
= '<br /><a href=" '
. XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink( 'canonical:threads',
$link )
. XenWord::getThreadIdForPost( $post_id )
. '" class="xenword_discuss">'
. '<i class="fa fa-comments"></i> '
. get_comments_number_text()
. '</a>';
Now the link contains the comment count as well as the text comments rather than discussion text.
You'll next want to make adjustments in the WordPress theme so that comments are not shown. Make these changes in a child theme and not the original.