Learners Distinguish How to from What People Learn |
(THIS PAGE IS UNDERGOING A MAJOR EDIT. THANKS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION.) A Learners’ View (ALV) is the Straightest and Fastest Path to Learning, the Oxygen Of Social Life. CLASSIC EDUCATION AT EDUCLASSICS.COM INTRODUCES and features a learners’ view (ALV) of how people learn. It gives priority to how over what to learn. It describes which actions you can see, hear, and in other ways sense people use first, second, etc. as they learn. It shows how you may, as others have, use ALV to accelerate and increase the amount of learning of others promptly and sometimes dramatically. It grounds classic education, including the social sciences, in observable human activity that results in maintaining as well as changing daily life and potentially changing civilizations. [Summary of Classic Education: A Learners’ View (ALV) at EduClassics.com] |[Seven Fast Facts of ALV] [A Learners’ View of Classic Education at EduClassics.com] [Context for A Learners’ View (ALV)] FROM A LEARNERS’ VIEW, CLASSIS EDUCATION CONSISTS of three parts: the content to learn; how people learn content; and lessons that increase the rate and efficiency of learning content. Without these parts, learning has not occurred, not before or during the 21st Century. Behavioral scientists have tested and reported ways of preparing and presenting each of these parts in lessons that increase learning and decrease the risk of failure to learn simple to complex tasks including those in school curricula. ALV addresses the question, How do people learn? What do they do first, second, etc.? It gives priority to the how over what is learned. From a learners’ view, people learn in one step, with two choices, in three stages, at four levels, and show they have learned it with one or more of five generic response patterns. Use of these descriptions to plan and instruct lessons can increase learning and contributions of education by any label in the 21st Century. The title highlights ALV as an enduring, integral part of identifying, using, and evaluating those patterns large and small that make up civilizations. Arguments to the contrary deny the choices learners make in the process of learning and the impact that learning has on civilizations. ALV describes a first person view of learning that complements previously established third-party views. This view represents over a century of results from experimental empirical behavioral and social science research. These scientists disassembled and reassembled their observations leaving a view of learning in which we may manage with measurable confidence. ALV represents the disassembled parts of learning described by behavioral and social scientists as behavior patterns people show others they use while learning. Descriptions of these parts indicate how people seek, identify, use, and evaluate patterns of behavior. This view discounts the impression that learning a classic education is different from learning anything by another name. It ignores descriptions and judgments about people’s background, motivation, intelligence, etc. when accelerating and increasing learning. Social scientists and other people during their daily lives aggregate, extrapolate, and attach meaning to these patterns in order to conduct and change their lives. Classic Education also includes descriptions of how behavioral and social scientists as well as others have assembled these disassembled parts of learning into lessons that accelerated the amount and increase the rate of learning promptly and sometimes dramatically. ALV complements third-party views. … Use of ALV permits offering a one sentence description of step-by-step observable actions people use to learn and another sentence that describes how lessons that accelerate and increase learning include these actions: … This description exists as an infrastructure for lessons that connect learning with instruction and both with what the most informed people do in daily life. [Tip] [Q & A] Return to Main Summary Page of Classic Education |