“We are now witnessing the fastest evolution of a mass technology to date in what’s also unmistakably the emergence of the next big genre of computing: the multipurpose, endlessly modifiable “app phone. (…. They) have transformed the very character of the mobile phone business in only a couple of years. And they are beginning to encroach on the turf of laptops as well.”
Commenters temper the article with opinions about historic and competitive business precedents.
But, an inferred point remains: learners and educators appear in the midst of a fast change in options available for learning with Tablet and other mobile PCs and similar devices. These options appear beyond the vision, hopefully not awareness, of most certified public school educators.
Schlender, B. Perspective: The App-Phone Revolution Is Well Underway. So Where’s Microsoft? BNET. (Captured 12-12-09.)