The potential of mobile wireless learning technology in education appears limitless.
The train is pulling away from the station with the upcoming Mobile Learning Conference 2009 for teacher leaders in and out of schools.
This conference offers an opportunity to get in early on the discussion with worldwide representatives from primary, secondary and postsecondary education institutions, policy makers and executives from the wireless and education technology industries.
The agenda includes descriptions of
What is mobile learning?
Why mobile learning?
Distance learning and mobile learning;
International case studies from Europe and Africa and the Mobile Learning Institute; and
Research, Development, and Policy Discussions.
Also, a Mobile Learning Summit Dinner and 1st Annual Mobile Learning Awards Ceremony
OK, Tableteers, Inkers and other mobile learning users, please share your critique of this assembly, maybe your backchannel exchanges as well as live blogging to help demonstrate the power of this emerging mass market of independent learners.
Mobile Learning Conference 2009: February 16 & 17, 2009
Capitol Hilton, Washington, D.C.