Kayla Bunge reports that Marty Speth’s classroom at Delavan-Darien High School has gon paperless and saves money and other resources! No textbooks, no hardcopy lecture outliens, no written tests. He estimates he reduced paper consumption at least 50 percent in his five classes.
He uses MyCaert.com to organize readings, homework, quizzes, and tests. Students access their e-units (lessons) througha Web portal. He manages grades at MyGradebook.com. FFA alumni paid for the $1,200 MyCaert.com subscription.
Ron Warrenburg, a sophomore, said, “This is cool. I wish all teachers would go to online.”
Kudos, Mr. Speth. You are by definition a teacher leader, out front of most U.S. public school educators. Next, move your classes to Tablet PCs and other Ink enabled technologies for increased mobile and direct learning, as during field work. Keep up the good work.