I add these common sense and topical questions to my earlier list of precipitating questions for studies of and about learning with Tablet PCs. The prepositions of and about establish the point of view used to describe such learning.
The first list, posted earlier, describes implicit questions learners ask when faced with an unknown situation or an unfamiliar task, such as a school lesson.
The following list consists of common sense and topical questions.
1.0 Common Sense Questions
Do Tablet PCs increase learning rates in and out of school?
How do Tablet PCs increase learning rates?
What variation in increases exists according to who owns the Tablet PC?
By who controls its use?
By where it’s used?
What do these increases cost?
What does it cost to learn “A”?
Are these increases in schools worth their costs?
2.0 Topical (Nominal, conversational, word-plays, non-theory based) Questions
How to leverage Tablet PC learning into subjects?
To increase learning efficiency
To increase instructional productivity
What Tablet features in presentations increase learning rates?
What learning depends on luck, chance, timing, talent, artisanship?
How can we know that Tablets aren’t just another speculative bubble foisted onto schools by business for commercial gain/profit?
How can we model Tablet PC learning?
How does Tablet PC learning affect frictions (diversions from ideals of learning) in learning?
As teachers learn about increases in student learning rates with Tablet PCs, what premium do they place on these machines compared with their past experiences?
Do they speculate they can continue these increases, or that their past behavior/teaching should continue anyway?
Do learning results cast light on the importance of earlier assumptions about learning with Tablets.
I’ll resort these Qs later. I’m especially interested in how this second list merges with other lists of questions about tech uses for learning, such as those posted by Travis Wittwer.
A previous post about research on learning with Tablets: Research Qs about Learning with Tablet PCs 4.0.
What questions have I not asked, Teacher, the answers to which would make your teaching increase learning even more?