EduClassics.com of Classic Education describes how learners adopt, adapt, and manage behavior patterns they use to learn, including a classic education in the 21st century.This page defines Trial-and-Error Learning from a learners’ view.
TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING: (ER) a. Unsuccessful attempts until a learner repeatedly uses the relevant variable to solve a problem. b. A way to distinguish the experimental analysis of learning from other definitions of learning and their related practices. Synonyms: TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING features operational ways to measure attempts by a learner to solve a problem. FAILURE-TO-LEARN refers to a learner not identifying the relevant variable required to solve a problem; problem is unclear or instruction was not specific enough for the learner to identify the relevant variable to solve the problem. Antonyms: TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING indicates when adjustments in instruction may decrease a learners’ rate-of-errors to solve a problem. DISABILITY places responsibility for unsuccessful attempts to solve a problem on the learner, not the instruction. |
TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING refers to a set of operations that measure a learner’s attempts to solve a problem. These operations convert principles of learning into ways for observers and instructors to monitor learning during a lesson. These principles and operations are based on experimental analysis of behavior.
Related Resources
- Trial-and-Error Learning Lecture Notes