Over on TabletQuestions jjnoname is asking for a sample screenshot of what it would be like to work through a physics problem on a Tablet PC. Here’s a screenshot of part of this problem handwritten and solved using the xThink Calculator:
The handwriting shown in black is what I wrote. The answer is shown in blue at the bottom of the screen. The recognized equation is shown as text above the toolbar near the bottom of the page. I’ve never used xThink to actually solve a problem before and not surprisingly it took me a couple times to figure out exactly how the equation should be written so that it would be properly recognized. I tried a multiplication sign first in the denominator and it didn’t work, so I switched to using the parentheses. I also realized by trial and error that I needed to switch from radians to degrees so that the trig functions worked. After these adjustments, I got the right anwser.
Actually, xThink MathJournal may be more of what jjnoname is looking for. I’m not sure when MathJournal will be shipping, but hopefully we’ll be able to post it on TabletPCPost as soon as it is available.
While I’m not really looking for the computer to work out solutions to my problems, I was looking for it to convert, or do….. something so that all of my lecture notes would be save-able to digital format so that I could
1- save money on paper. Not that I’m a tree-hugger, but we always joke about how much paper we use for lectures, and where it’ll end up in 10 or 20 years.
2- one day, have a digital copy of all the notes, for easy access, without having to haul around tons of books, paper, etc….
3- have, presently– apparently– impossible, all of those notes be converted to a regular Word document.