Unanswered Questions about Learning and Education

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.

Last Edited: January 20, 2019

A LEARNERS’ VIEW (ALV) RAISES as well as leaves questions about learning unanswered. They go beyond the scope of commonalities across existing experimental behavioral and social science research results. Use of ALV to accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning promptly and sometimes dramatically does not require answers to such questions, including the ones in this list.

Questions Raised

Do people have to learn, or are learning and not learning choices?
A young person said her friend does not want to learn, he likes the way he is and has no ambition to change. Is this assertion an over generalization of the capability of humans?

What part does faith play in learning?
A friend believes in exploring metaphysics about life as though these are speculations about something real. Does believing something make it a kind of reality that includes learning as learning is described from a learners’ view? A strict empiricist would argue, No. What relevance to ALV does an empiricist miss with that conclusion?

Does, and if so what kind of learning accounts for a person referred to as a savant?

How can anyone “know,” if people can learn more than they express or in another way demonstrate?

Does a limit exist with how much a person can learn?
Someone says, “I (He) can’t learn that (a language, algebra, to sit still, write an algorithm, etc.).” Is that description accurate? Do people have a maximum they can learn as distinct from how much they will likely learn or will try to learn?

What is the maximum capacity for vocabulary that anyone can learn to use?

Unanswered Questions

Does Knowledge Require Senses?
In the evolution of philosophic thought through the centuries the following question has played a major role: What knowledge is pure thought able to supply independently of sense perception? Is there any such knowledge? If not, what precisely is the relation between our knowledge and the raw material furnished by sense impressions? (There is) …an increasing skepticism concerning every attempt by means of pure thought to learn something about the “objective world,” about the world of “things” … (Einstein, 1944, p. 19).

Is a “religious experience” such as being “born again” a form of pure thought classifiable as learning?


  1. Einstein, A. (1944). “Remarks on Bertrand Russell’s Theory of Knowledge.” In Paul Arthur Schilpp, (Ed.) and (Tr.), The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell Vol. V of The Library of Living Philosophers, Tudor Publishers. Reprinted in C. Seelig (Ed.) & S. Bargmann (Tr.), Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein. NY: Wings Books, pp. 18-24.Article Last Update: 11/16/2013