Learners Distinguish How to from What They Learn |
A Learners’ View (ALV) is the Straightest and Fastest Path with the Least Number of Steps to Learning, the Oxygen Of Social Life. Grammar of LearningEduClassics.com of Classic Education describes how learners adopt, adapt, and manage behavior patterns they use to learn, including a classic education in the 21st century. This page introduces the term a grammar of learning to represent relationships (syntax) among behavior patterns learners use while learning. Definition: 1. a Relationships among words and other sensations that represent experimental empirical study results that describe choices people make (what people do) to learn. b How descriptors of choices form sentences that represent observable behavior patterns of learning. 2. System of rules that learners follow while learning as recorded from direct observations in experimental empirical studies. 3. Current empirical standard for the most effective and efficient way to accelerate the amount and increase the rate of learning through lessons. Synonyms: APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS features the use of operant conditioning strategies and techniques. BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS is a general category of designs and procedures that give priority to behavior over theories such as of cognition and mind-body operations. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR features inductive, data-driven observations in controlled conditions that results in description of classical and operant conditioning. HighlightsGrammar of learning represents observable elements of learning and their relationships with each other. It forms the behavioral part of the triple-helix of learning a lesson. Learners will more likely than not use these elements in certain sequences while learning that content. Experimental empirical behavioral and social scientists have been describing these patterns and when they occur for over a century. A Learning Efficiency Analysis Paradigm (aLEAP) maps these relationships of learning the way diagramming a sentence identifies parts of speech in English. In this sense, a grammar of learning consists of the observable process of answering two questions in four stages with four levels and five processes. |
Related Resources
A Grammar of Learning Lecture Notes